the shelves are empty: (cash is crap)

extortionist ass holes
crap out trillions
in hoarded cash,
a tax loop hole
as our infrastructure erodes.
this is knee deep &
the shelves are empty
of boots.

our government
if it is
plunges into debt,
the wealth being stripped away
in an unprovoked assault
on the working people
or the people who work.

we are starved for funds,
we are starved for equality,
we are in this
deepening economic inequality.
we are drowning
in piled valueless emotions.

wealth transfer
through corporate rollbacks
predatory lending
to daycare centers,
to senior citizen facilities.
extortionist policies of banks
show the destructive power
of corporate greed.

working harder
working more
earning less
erodes our families into
progressive social movements
political marginalization
of the majority.
No money for essential
human services.

it is the cusp
of a great movement
to stuff cash
under the mattress
to roll out the rotted cot
& cook over a fire
& watch our kids
play on the mountainous load,
hard amassing cash
released from the ass holes
of bygone extortionists.

Mark David Jordan, 2011


  1. Hi Mark, Firstly, thank you for your thoughtful comment on my blogpost - much appreciated.

    I love the cutting-edge feel to your poem, the fast pace that writing in the language of the day affords, and what you say is so relevant to this day. Great work.

  2. smoking social commentary...pow pow in you face...just the way i like it...i am with you man.

  3. Unfortunately for those in power we hardly ever mean anything... Sad reality. Powerful words!

  4. Very powerful writing Mark and very true of society today. The message of your poem also reflects the state of the UK.

    Thanks also for commenting on my poem and following my blog :)
