confusion: (profitability & rebellion)

confusion of values
starts the rebellion.

citizens can be expected
to lay blame on the past.


the elaborate new financial deceptions
of the corporate entity
(a fictional person).

but no culprits can be held
in the desire for old
testament justice.

it’s a long running degradation,
corporations too big to prosecute,
punishment too thin
to limit economic damage.

the morality of the market
defines crime as the price
rather than the punishment,
an amoral need to maximize
a thin veneer of responsibility.

villains cannot be located
by the system,
prosecutions are dropped,
the cash prize
at the end of the rainbow.


profitability of illegal activity
far exceeds the cost of penalty.

under a façade of enforcement,
personal liability is attached
to you & I.

criminal intent not established,
the disturbing spectacle
does not limit damage
but causes fallout & crimes
of torture, seen by
people on guided tours.

confusion over.

the deep conflict of values
starts the continuation
of the status quo,
no culprits to be held,
a rebellion for the bloodless.

M. D. Jordan, 2011


  1. Thank you for stopping by. You have a way with words... very nice.

  2. nice...a good bit of social commentary...but i hate to think where we are going next...

  3. I disagree about Corporations being villians, conflicting values, illegal activity and all that.

    But you do have a talent for string words together.

  4. I really enjoy poetry that stays poignant and directed at our current environment, this piece has good structure and depth. I quite enjoyed this ~ Rose

  5. eloquent on your side.
    bless you.

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    enjoyed your poetry here.

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