death is a murderer
& is under contract to lifefor this purpose.
i lay under a blanket
prepared between 2 chairs
it was a silent i.
mouthing the words
“i am alone”
no sound was heard
in this
thick space
i was busy
traveling to a far away planet
where i would be in charge
of rebuilding.
i conversed with those
ahead & behind
into thin airways dark
overcast with hope
baggage had slowed them
within earshot.
my own sounds were at peace
in the green,
a glowing cast from
the overhanging blanket
in this, an amplified theater
meant for only i.
i was the me who
was cast aside
from a shadow
less body more
part of a hidden psyche.
i cut my hands off
let them to others
falling into my lap,
i was the i who was
at the edge of desire.
the future whispered
in my ear being upon
me attacking i
without movement,
a puppet with no strings,
this was an epic battle.
i could end the i that
was now with a
slow drip of breath
let the lived life
take me slowly,
either way i was
the suicide
like drinking in death
with shots of vodka
or water.
death is a murderer
& is under contract to life
for this purpose.
Mark David Jordan, 2011
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