Mostly in Movies

we go to see what we aren’t.
movies are deceiving.

we are the object
the movie is watching.

the theater is in control,
giving us what we need
in tiny slices,
a temporary womb
for the senses.

for hours, dumbstruck
we are watched, stuck
in a life so different
we think it is real
& reality doesn’t exist.

when the show lets us,
we go home
mouths shut, minds agape
to sit on our little couches
& large asses.

waiting. staring.

we wait for the movie
to give us our lives.
but it all ends up

life. stuck.

living is like watching
grass grow at a feverous pitch
& the dots never come
to indicate where the reel gets changed.

Mark David Jordan, 2011

(for those who remember when, there used to be large dots that would appear on a movie's right side to indicate to the projectionist when to begin the next reel of film so that to the viewer there would be no pause. Watch for this during old movies)


  1. this is true...and we fill the other time with TV exchanging our lives for what others live....nice one shot

  2. Bravo!
    "the dots never come
    to indicate where the reel gets changed" My brother-in-law, for whom the dots came,used to watch for the dots and change the reels.

    Now, I know why I don't go to the movies anymore.

    Creating is better than watching.

  3. i remember....i like what you have written about her...these false dreams that media tries to make so attainable...great verse..cheers pete

  4. Oh wow Mark! Thats is so true. We totally loose ourselves and whenever I watch a movie as the ending nears I used to panic as if my life was closing a sweet chapter of mine that I wanted to go on and on.

  5. Hey, my ass is not as large on my couch as it used to be!! :)

    Mark, I LOVED this. Very original, the movie watching US, and the way you described all the details. You are obviously one talented poet, and it's a real treat to find you via One Shot.

    Movies are very transporting. SO glad we finally got our DVD player fixed!

  6. Hi Mark, I love this poem but I must also admit that I love the movies and that moment of escapism......probably one of the few times that my mind is still.

    Great reading thank you :)

  7. Great idea to write about, so great

  8. the movie, watching us...awesome!
    An enjoyable read

  9. Intriguing concept of the movie watching us...but isn't that kind of a boring "movie," for the movie? Somebody sitting there eating popcorn and burping for two hours? LOL

  10. for many years I managed a small town a movie theater, did it all, managed, sold tickets and popcorn, projectionist. those dots always caused a slight twinge of fear, would the film break, the second projector start...
    but i miss those dots.
