I took the poem "Daisy" by Francis Thompson and kept every other line. I then modified the poem slightly to read better and came up with this new modified poem. It came out pretty interesting and is on the verge of some deep meaning.
daisy: (a modern perception)
(From the original poem “Daisy” By Francis Thompson)
where the thistle lifts a purple crown
& the harebell shakes on the windy hill,
the hills look over on the South
in concert with the sea-breeze hand in hand.
where mid the gorse the raspberry grow
2 children did we stray & talk.
she listened with big-lipped surprise,
her skin like a grape with veins.
she knew not those sweet words she spoke,
but there was never a bird, so sweet a song.
oh, there were flowers in Storrington
but the sweetest flower here on Sussex hill.
her beauty smoothed earth's furrowed face.
a look, a word of her winsome mouth,
a berry red, a guileless look,
& yet they made my wild, wild heart calm.
for standing artless as the air,
she picked some berries with her hand,
the fairest things have fleetest end,
but the rose's scent is bitterness.
she looked a little wistfully,
the sea's eye had a mist on it,
she went her unremembering way,
the pang of all the partings gone.
she left me marveling at my soul
at all the sadness in the sweet,
still, still I seemed to see her, still
& take the berries from her hand.
nothing begins, & nothing ends,
for we are born in other's pain.
Copied & Modified by Mark David Jordan, 2011