Duck Flight

I saw a flock of ducks
fly past. I wondered the other day.
They cut a dotted shadow across a wide dawn sky.
A line from a black and white cut out.

I wondered if the last duck
wondered why he was last.

Maybe that duck is saying something else.
Maybe saying "I will take my time, while you others rush".
Rush from one place of waiting to the next.

Perhaps the last duck is old. Wiser.
Leisurely enjoying sites that he missed before.
When he was in the lead.
Or maybe he is just struggling to keep up.

It was obvious that all the ducks were intent.
Intent on a final destination for food and shelter.
All wanted to enjoy a rich history of to and fro.
A hearty meal.
Elders might be allowed to eat first.

But the elders were at the end.
The end of the dotted line cutting a shadow.
The last shall be first and the first last.

Mark, 1996

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